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Illustrations featured in Timeout Porto and Publico 3 (Portuguese Newspaper)

click on the image to see photo gallery

Illustration and Poem for OLAS magazine

Illustration for Zine Fest Houston Compilation September 2021

Illustration for ArtHole Magazine #2 - Gnarrly! (March 2021)

Interview for FRESTA Digital Magazine by JOIA

Fresta is a project by Joia - Ourivesaria de Sentimentos, an art gallery in Lisbon, Portugal. It is a platform that aims to bring art and culture in lots of forms.

In this digital magazine you can find interviews (including mine in this first issue), news, exhibitions, catalogue, and discounts.

Every time you buy an edition of Fresta you support small business and emerging artistis.

Buy this digital magazine here

Illustration for Zine Fest Houston Compilation 2020

This zine was risoprinted by Mystic Multiples

This zine was risoprinted by Mystic Multiples

Illustration for The Quarantine zine

Illustration for The Quarantine Zine. May, 2020

Quarentena Ilustrada

Illustration for “Quarentena Ilustrada”, a digital artist collective during quarantine. Published by Público (Portuguese Newspaper). March, 2020

Illustration for ArtHole - A zine about Geese (March, 2020)

A Collective magazine about Geese by ArtHole.

Buy this incredile magazine here.


Illustrations for Riza Multimedia Poetry and Art Journal (2020)


Comix Gauntlet

by Zine fest Houston and Alabama song.

I was one of the 7 Houston artists invited for the Comix Gauntlet (November 2019)

Comix Gauntlet is a seven hour comics challenge> 7 hours for 7 artists to create a 7 page comic. This challenged culminated in an art exhibition where both original pages and an anthology of the comix produced the same day were showcased.



French poetry magazine interview ( 2019)

Read the full interview here


Window Works


Gratitude - Collective Zine